
I see an advertisement for players, I cannot find that table.

If you see an advertisement for players for a certain room then enter that room.
You will see the tables in the room:

  • Table order
    The first 2 or 3 rows, in shaded green, you'll see the incomplete tables.
    First the icon to Start a Table, followed by 2 or 3 rows, in shaded green, the incomplete tables (in ascending order) - with 1 seated player, then (in ascending order) with 2 seated players, then (in ascending order) with 3 seated players followed by the complete tables (in ascending order).
    As players come and go, the situation at the tables will change rapidly.
    Press REFRESH regularly to update your screen and see which tables need players.
    If you don't see the advertising table # amongst the incomplete tables then it is either Full and shows amongst the full tables or the table is abandoned. Once you found the advertising table, simply sit on the vacant seat


Tables_in_Room_green_17-11-2020.jpg Click for --> Larger Image 





if someone wants advertise for a partner how do i get to play with them




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