Scoring - Results - Ranking - Hand Records - PPI
- Where do I find leader boards and records of played hands?
- How do I check previous games/previous results?
- See overall results of hands played during play
- Do you rate the players and if so, how is it calculated? (what is PPI?)
- Why are some PPI symbols shaded / greyed?
- How often is my % (Percentage) PPI updated?
- Why, when I score over 50% does the score on my profile go down?
- Do my BridgeClubLive results affect my NBO ratings?
- Does playing in the Social Room affect my rating (PPI)?
- Does ones rating change if played fewer than the number of boards required for the leader board in a rated room?
- Some players have a Club/Diamond/Heart/Spade symbol in their Profile. What does this mean?
- How many boards do I have to play in a "rating room" in order to have those boards rated ?
- Teams of Four - Results
- Teams of Four - board result missing
- Result emails not received
- How do you calculate the %.
- Score Card for All possible Duplicate Contracts
- How does IMPS scoring work.
- Does playing in an IMPS room affect PPI percentages?
- What are On Line Master Points and how do I get them?
- I played 4 boards and my score was 75% when I left. Yet the email with my result tells me I have only 52%?
- Why do only the top quarter of players get OMPs in MP competitions whereas the top third get them in IMP competitions and in clubs throughout the country?