Bridge Club - General Info
- What is the difference between my Profile and my SSD?
- Every few seconds the screen keeps returning to the Green page with “Enter The Bridge Club”
- My computer/tablet is very slow/does not respond.
- My login failed/cannot enter
- I am (or appear to be) disconnected from the BridgeClub? (Websocket Server Connection)
- I just paid , but I cannot enter
- After I enter the club, rooms and tables are empty.
- Enter the bridge club
- Can I change my password
- Mis-Bids and Mis-Clicks
- How many boards am I allowed to play in one day ?
- Do you provide audio and/or Video ?
- How do I call the director?
- How do I create a desk top short cut for BridgeClubLive?
- Bidding System - Standard English (Basic) ACOL
- Bidding System - Benji ACOL
- Bidding System - SAYC
- How do I change alias?
- How to submit an Incident Report.
- How to create and submit an Interim Incident Report.
- Can I use my tablet to play bridge in BridgeClubLive?
- There is no scroll bar to scroll. Apple MAC, iPad
- iPad - How do I create an icon on my home screen?
- How and where do I enter my EBU number
- Rotate your phone or tablet. However nothing happens when you rotate it.
- What is BridgeClubLive?
- Cancel Membership.